As a member, you’ll connect with industry professionals, receive exclusive access to events, and stay updated through our monthly e-newsletter. Whether you’re an industry veteran, a student, or simply passionate about broadcasting, we welcome you to join our community. Apply online and start your journey with us today.
Membership Levels
Broadcast Member
Membership reserved for professionals, active or retired, with a total of ten or more years in traditional broadcast, cable and internet programming. This category includes talent, technical staff, engineering, sales and support staff, as well as professionals working in fields SUPPORTIVE of media, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO advertising, music, production and broadcast/communications educators. Broadcast Members enjoy all benefits of membership, including the newsletter and email communications, event priority with guest privileges and the membership directory listing. Broadcast Members in good standing have voting privileges and can serve on the Board.
Professional Member
Limited to broadcast and related fields professionals who have not yet attained ten years in the industry. Professionals receive the newsletter and emails, event invitations with guest privileges and member directory listing. Professional Members cannot vote or serve on the Board but they can participate in event planning and be appointed to committees.
Student Member
Limited to those currently 18 and over, and enrolled in an educational program aimed at a broadcast/associate broadcast career at a college, university program or broadcast school. Student Members receive newsletters and can buy tickets to events and be appointed to committees.
Supporting Member
Non-industry supporters who wish to champion the efforts of The Broadcast Pioneers. Friends receive the newsletter and the first opportunity to buy tickets to ‘Open’ events before they are offered to the general public.
(or greater)
Membership Dues: Memberships run July through June
All Membership applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors or its designated Membership committee and approved by a majority vote.